Syllabus for 128 hours Internships


Internship Course Syllabus

Institutional Mission Statement: Palau Community College is an accessible comprehensive public educational institution helping to meet the technical, academic, cultural, social, and economic needs of students and communities by promoting learning opportunities and developing personal excellence.

Course Name: Internship

Course Description: This course provides the student with practical training in a work site. With the assistance of an instructor-coordinator, the student is assigned to work under a supervisor in a governmental department or a private business in order to learn through actual work experience.

Course Prerequisites: Advisor’s Consent

Course Contact Hours Per Week: MTWThF, 8:00 a.m. – 5: 00 p.m. or depending on site location; 128 hours need to be completed by the end of the semester

Course Required Text(s): None.

Course Objectives: To allow students to practice the skills and learned knowledge obtained from their program courses through actual work experience.

Course (Student) Learning Outcomes (CLOs):

CLO 1- Demonstrate proper employee behaviors and work habits.

CLO 2 Perform program-related tasks as assigned by the site supervisor

Instructor and Class Information:

   Instructor: Site supervisor          Location: job site           

   Meeting Times: Daily, 8:00 a.m. – 5: 00 p.m. or as assigned by the site supervisor

Method of Instruction:

Students will perform assigned tasks under the supervision and training of a designated site supervisor.

Evaluation Criteria:

The student will be evaluated based on the internship training rating sheet.

Grading Scale:

The transmutation of a percent to a letter grade is as follows:

90-100%............................................................................. A

80-89%............................................................................... B

 0-79%................................................................................ F

A grade below a B will result in a student receiving an F grade and needing to retake the course to improve his/her performance until the student has proficient skills and training for employment.

Attendance Requirements: Students are expected to work according to scheduled hours of the job site.

Statement of Conduct: Students are expected to follow the work policies of the job site.

American Disability Act: Please let the Internship Coordinator and site supervisor know during the first week of work if you have a disability or special need that they should know; this will allow them to make specific arrangements for your success in this class.

Disclaimer Statement: Students will be notified ahead of time when and if any changes are made to the course requirements or policies.

If you choose to do so, 

Last modified: Tuesday, 10 September 2024, 12:36 PM